Thursday, August 10, 2006

For Petra

It's been a while since I have posted. I was out of town for a couple of days, and I've had my niece visiting from Utah. She is 9. I have 4 kids in this house. They are wearing me out. :) Lots of fun though. I will be posting some pictures soon.

Petra asked me to help her edit her high key images. For the background I selected my dodge tool, used a large brush size and went over the entire background to lighten it up quite a bit. I can see a few spots that I missed across the bottom. It's a lot easier to see where the darker areas are when the image is against a white canvas. I am trying to get into the habit of extending my canvas, with white, while I am working on a high key image. Then I have white that I can compare it to.
I also lightened the entire image just a bit. Lightened the eye area to make them 'pop', cloned out some of the 'owies' and blood veins on his face, then sharpened them just a touch. Not much editing was done. The pictures are so cute Petra. I love this little guys hair and face. You really did capture some adorable expressions on the little guy. :)

On the second photo, I can see quite a few parts of the background that I didn't quite get white enough. This wouldn't have happened if I would have edited it against a white canvas, then cropped it back down when the editing was finished. It's hard trying to start a new habit though, isn't it? :)


Blogger dale ann cubbage said...

Wow, what an amazing transformation . . . done so easily! YOu both did a great job, they are darling captures, and now Petra can use these techniques on the rest! Congrats and great work to you both!


3:25 PM  

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