Okay...one of these days I'll figure out how to get these photos in order...until then, you'll just have to guess which one I am talking about. ;) I have two 'critiques' that I have been asked to do. The first is a photo by Trula, which is the image of the baby. She asked about cropping, so...that's what I did. In the original photo, the subject is almost dead center so I cropped in closer. Yes, I cropped out the beautiful chair, but I felt that since the very bottom of the chair legs were cut off, and keeping the chair in the photo made the crop a bit static it didn't bother me too much. I think it adds more impact to the photo. What do you think? Oh, I also sharpened the photo just a bit.
Okay, next photo is by Heather. She wanted some help with her photo. To me, the photo looks quite dark, so I lightened it quite a bit. I also dodged the eyes, just a bit, to lighten them up. The background is a bit distracting, with the sunlight glaring through the branches of trees. Changing the photo to mono helps slightly with the distraction, but not completely. The last thing that I did was add a diffusion filter. I like the feeling that it gave this photo, adding to the sunlight coming from behind.
The two photos on the bottom are the originals.
Thanks ladies. :)